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Our Manhattan Beach Plumbing Team Does Gas Lines

a Manhattan plumber installs a new gas lineOne of the most dangerous things that can happen in a residence or commercial structure is a gas leak. This is why natural gas, which is naturally odorless, is given its distinct smell when it is delivered by a utility company. The sooner a gas leak is noticed and fix, the less chance there is of someone getting hurt or killed. Our Manhattan Beach plumbing contractors are adamant that you immediately contact us if you smell gas in an area that there shouldn't be any. If you know where the gas shut off is for your home or building, you should shut it off immediately. If not, you should advise all the people in the vicinity of the gas leak and vacate the area until the leak is fixed.

The Dangers of Natural Gas

a tech shows off our newest gas snifferNatural gas can be a potentially deadly explosive. You may have heard of entire homes being blown to pieces when a high concentration of gas was ignited by an electric line. However, just because you don't smell gas doesn't mean you might not have a leak. A small, slow leak is just as dangerous as a fast one. It can emit enough natural gas to make you and your family sick. If you have unexplained symptoms and neither you nor your doctor can pinpoint the source it may be time to have your home checked for a gas leak. Our Manhattan Beach plumbing contractors are experts in gas leak detection and mitigation. We both identify the source of the gas leak and repair it so you can go about your daily business without risking your health.

If you think you may have a gas leak, or would like to err on the safe side, call in one of our Manhattan Beach plumbing contractors to perform a gas leak check today!